18. 12. 2023
5 reasons to develop photos
Yes, yes, we were also constantly looking for an excuse not to develop the photos. But, life happens, technology fails (what rhymes, holds…

- Preserving memories
The first reason is certainly that we keep memories alive with photos. The desire to immortalize a moment has probably existed as long as there has been civilization (yes, you won’t believe it?) – from the very beginning, people have wanted to preserve certain memories from life in their own way.
First they drew on the walls of the caves, then painters came, and later photography appeared, which made it possible for people today to preserve memories in such a form as the actual situation was. By pressing a button, we freeze time, and if we develop the photo, it allows us to return to the past, to moments that were priceless and mean a lot to us.
It allows us to relive a certain moment again, even though some time has passed since then.
- Technology can fail
We all probably find ourselves in a situation where the phone charger is already full and we would rather buy a new phone than start deleting files. Or when we postpone from day to day the decision to actually transfer the photos to the hard drive and finally develop them. Until it’s too late and our phone falls to the floor, we lose it, or our computer crashes, and we don’t have pictures on the cloud. Wow, thinking about all these scenarios gives you chills! ?
That’s it from us for today and see you next time. ❤️
With love, Little Stories
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